Hostel and bedsit accommodation with support for 16 single women and/or women with a dependant child.
Jericho House in Wolverhampton provides a safe space for single homeless women and women and their dependent children. We have temporary accommodation and also eleven bedsits as 'move-on' accommodation.
Since opening in 1985 we have given guidance, support and safe accommodation to over 3000 service users.
Jericho House
t: 01902 713693
Mission statement and summary
Jericho aims to provide a person centred service which seeks to avoid seeing service users as clients but rather as fellow human beings deserving of genuine compassion and help which respects their individuality.
Also to provide practical and emotional support to any women and any dependent children who access Jericho by providing:
The Staff Team
Our dedicated staff team strive to provide a homely, loving family atmosphere. Together they have many years experience and combine a plethora or knowledge and skills.
The team consists of:
Referral Process
To make a referral or to enquire about our access criteria please contact a member of our staff team who will be able to take all details and answer any queries. We can also send out a referral form via email or to a postal address. Due to confidentiality of our address we would only provide details upon acceptance.
Service users are responsible for payment of their electricity, food and TV licence.
Located in a residential area with a park close by, one mile from the city centre (train and bus stations).
Nearby local amenities including shops, chemist, GP surgery, church, school and library.
In most instances service users are initially referred into our emergency accommodation where an assessment is carried out to identify needs, from this a support programme is structured with liaison from other agencies involved. The support plan will identify housing, cultural, emotional, education, learning and development needs, address mental and physical health issues, substance misuse and parenting skills. The service user will also participate in life skills training where abilities can be measured and enhanced where needed.
When service users have completed all necessary move on assessments they are then transferred into our semi-independent bedsit complex where they can demonstrate the life skills they have acquired to run a home of their own. Support staff promote and encourage independence but offer assistance and guidance where it is needed. Communal facilities continues the family atmosphere of Jericho Wolverhampton.
What we assist with
How we assist
We Provide
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